£3,000* – the amount domestic energy bills could reach by 2020. Increases of around 10% have been announced in autumn 2013 and this will only continue in one direction. While individual householders cannot influence these rises, they can take steps to ensure their heating systems are more efficient. Fitting modern digital heating controls to an oil or gas fire, for example, provides better heating control, yielding significant energy savings as well as improved comfort. For households on oil or LPG heating systems, an Air Source Heat Pump becomes an attractive option, providing significant energy savings and a decent return on investment. For a discussion on whether heating controls or a heat pump are a viable option contact me now on 07745 80 37 23 or email [email protected]
* http://www.heatingsave.co.uk/energy-news/dual-fuel-bills-could-reach-%C2%A33000-year-2020-industry-experts-warn
* http://www.heatingsave.co.uk/energy-news/dual-fuel-bills-could-reach-%C2%A33000-year-2020-industry-experts-warn